Rewriting imports to aliases with compilation tracers
This article will explore how we used compilation tracers to implement a tool that
automatically rewrote imports to aliases on the
codebase, called import2alias
For example, to replace HexpmWeb.ViewHelpers
imported calls with ViewHelpers
we used the script like this:
cd /path/to/hexpm
mkdir -p lib/mix/tasks
curl > lib/mix/tasks/import2alias.ex
curl > lib_import2alias.ex
elixir -r lib_import2alias.ex -S mix import2alias HexpmWeb.ViewHelpers ViewHelpers
As you can see, the script is actually quite tiny! In this blog post we’ll look under the hood and discuss some other improvements we’ve recently made. Let’s get started.
UPDATE #1: Thanks to feedback from @kleinernik, we’ve changed the script to a Mix task to avoid warnings on protocol consolidation.
UPDATE #2: Elixir v1.11+ will no longer consider imports as compile-time dependencies. Therefore converting imports to aliases is no longer strictly necessary for improving recompilation times. This article, however, can still be useful for those interested in converting imports to aliases for code readability reasons or for those willing to learn more about compilation tracers.
Compilation tracers
is built on top of compilation tracers, a feature introduced in Elixir v1.10.
Per Elixir Code
A tracer is a module that implements the
function. The function receives the event name as first argument andMacro.Env
as second and it must return:ok
And here are some example events:
{:import, meta, module, opts}
- traced whenever module is imported. meta is the import AST metadata and opts are the import options. -
{:imported_function, meta, module, name, arity}
and{:imported_macro, meta, module, name, arity}
- traced whenever an imported function or macro is invoked. (…) -
{:local_function, meta, name, arity}
and{:local_macro, meta, name, arity}
- traced whenever a local function or macro is referenced. (…)
Here’s the tracer we wrote for our import2alias script:
defmodule Import2Alias.CallerTracer do
def trace({:imported_function, meta, module, name, arity}, env) do
Import2Alias.Server.record(env.file, meta[:line], meta[:column], module, name, arity)
def trace(_event, _env) do
We are only interested in :imported_function
events, we record file/line/column and
module/name/arity for further processing and ignore remaining events.
We could do the processing in the trace/2
function directly but the recommendation is to do
there as least work as possible because it slows down the compilation. Thus, we save the work for
further processing. Import2Alias.Server
is an Agent
that filters imported calls and groups them by source filenames. This way we’d rewrite any given
source file just once:
for {file, entries} <- entries do
lines =!(file) |> String.split("\n")
lines =
Enum.reduce(entries, lines, fn entry, acc ->
{line, column, module, name, arity} = entry
List.update_at(acc, line - 1, fn string ->
# ...
File.write!(file, Enum.join(lines, "\n"))
If we have the column information, we rewrite the line becasue we know exactly where the imported call started and we rewrite it to be an aliased call.
if column do
pre = String.slice(string, 0, column - 1)
offset = column - 1 + String.length("#{name}")
post = String.slice(string, offset, String.length(string))
pre <> "#{inspect(alias)}.#{name}" <> post
# print warning
and this results in e.g.:
- <%= pretty_date(last_use.used_at) %> ...
+ <%= ViewHelpers.pretty_date(last_use.used_at) %> ...
and that’s it!
However, you may have noticed that we explicitly checked if the column information is available. Why wouldn’t we have the column information? This brings us to…
Other compiler improvements
To get precise information where a function is called, not only at which line but also at which column, we’ve set this compile option:
Code.put_compile_option(:parser_options, [columns: true])
This worked fine in .ex
files but not in .eex
files, the EEx engine uses its own compiler.
We’ve changed EEx.Compiler
to properly track column
information and use that in error
EEx templates can also be directly embedded in Elixir modules, such as
using Phoenix ~E
or Phoenix LiveView ~L
defmodule AppWeb.ThermostatLive do
use Phoenix.LiveView
def render(assigns) do
Current temperature: <%= pretty_temperature @temperature %>
To handle that, we’ve changed Elixir compiler to track indentation of heredoc
blocks and used that in
Phoenix.HTML ~E
, and
Phoenix.LiveView ~L
To take advantage of these improvements you need to wait for Elixir v1.11 or
use a version manager, such as asdf install elixir master
to get the latest.
These compiler changes, besides making import2alias
more useful, should give more
capabilities to existing and future tooling and allow more accurate stacktraces, editor
integrations, and more. Perhaps that is the biggest win from all of this recent work after all!
In this article we’ve looked at the
how it was built on top of compilation tracers, and about some of our recent compiler changes that
made that more reliable. We are looking forward to hearing what you’ve built with compilation
tracers, happy hacking!