Speeding up re-compilation of Elixir projects
UPDATE #1: We have updated this article to mirror Elixir v1.11+’s best practices.
Recently, one of our Elixir Development Subscription clients noticed their development feedback cycle felt a bit sluggish, they sometimes had to wait seconds, or tens of seconds, for a code change to take effect. Today we will talk about how to understand and diagnose those issues.
Before we get started, it is worth making a distinction between initial compilation and re-compilation: the initial compilation is a one time cost that in the long-term doesn’t matter that much. On the other hand, everytime we make a change to our Elixir source code, part of our project needs to be recompiled and that may take time if Elixir believes it has to recompile a large part of our project. If the compilation is slow then it quickly can become a source of frustration. Let’s fix that!
Types of dependencies
Whenever you change one or more files in your project, Elixir will re-compile all “stale” files as well as everything the “stale” files depend on. Understanding how Elixir tracks dependencies between files is essential to understand how Elixir recompiles our projects.
Say you have a module A
in a.ex
and module B in b.ex
, when we change a.ex
the module A
is understandably re-compiled but B
might need to be re-compiled too - why?
From Elixir v1.11+, the Elixir compiler tracks 3 types of dependencies between modules:
runtime dependencies - if module
calls some function from moduleB
does not have to be re-compiled, that’s good! -
compile-time dependencies - if
uses any functionality fromB
in its module body (instead of inside its functions) andB
needs to be re-compiled -
export dependencies - If
uses importsB
or uses a struct fromB
, such as%B{}
needs to be re-compiled wheneverB
adds or remove a function or changes its struct definition
Additionally, if A
has compile-time dependency on B
, and B
has runtime dependency on C
, if
changes, B
doesn’t have to be re-compiled but A
has to! In our experience this is by far
the biggest source of re-compilations.
Generally speaking, we notice compilation problems when working on our own projects.
For example, you change a single file, then you run mix test
, and you suddenly see:
$ mix test
Compiling 27 files (.ex)
Now that we understand that this may be caused by compile-time dependencies, how can we identify and solve those dependencies?
The Elixir team has given us tools to do just that, namely mix xref graph
. For
example, if you changed lib/foo.ex
and that caused a large recompilation, you can run:
$ mix xref graph --sink lib/foo.ex --only-nodes
That will list all files that depend on lib/foo.ex
and which kind of dependency. If some
file has a compile time dependency on lib/foo.ex
, say lib/bar.ex
, then you can do the
same and see all dependencies on lib/bar.ex
$ mix xref graph --sink lib/bar.ex --only-nodes
Alternatively, you can remove the --only-nodes
flag and see a tree of dependencies on
, albeit it is often quite deep for large projects:
$ mix xref graph --sink lib/foo.ex
From Elixir v1.11, you will be able to filter this tree to all transitive compile time dependencies:
$ mix xref graph --sink lib/foo.ex --label compile
Finally, if you are not sure where to get started, you can use mix xref graph --format stats
to get general information about the project. For Hex.pm, here is what it would look like:
$ mix xref graph --format stats
Tracked files: 165 (nodes)
Compile dependencies: 402 (edges)
Structs dependencies: 73 (edges)
Runtime dependencies: 429 (edges)
Top 10 files with most outgoing dependencies:
* lib/hexpm_web/router.ex (42)
* lib/hexpm/factory.ex (20)
* lib/hexpm_web/controllers/dashboard/organization_controller.ex (16)
* lib/hexpm/repository/releases.ex (14)
* lib/hexpm/repository/package.ex (14)
* lib/hexpm/accounts/user.ex (14)
* lib/hexpm/accounts/audit_log.ex (14)
* lib/hexpm_web/controllers/package_controller.ex (12)
* lib/hexpm/repository/release.ex (12)
* lib/hexpm/accounts/users.ex (12)
Top 10 files with most incoming dependencies:
* lib/hexpm/shared.ex (109)
* lib/hexpm_web/web.ex (75)
* lib/hexpm_web/router.ex (43)
* lib/hexpm_web/views/icons.ex (40)
* lib/hexpm_web/controllers/controller_helpers.ex (38)
* lib/hexpm_web/controllers/auth_helpers.ex (37)
* lib/hexpm_web/endpoint.ex (32)
* lib/hexpm/accounts/user.ex (31)
* lib/hexpm/repo.ex (25)
* lib/hexpm/schema.ex (24)
Once you learn from where the compile-time dependencies come from, the goal is to refactor the code in order to remove said dependencies. Let’s see some examples from the Phoenix team.
Tips for Phoenix projects
Luckily, the Phoenix team is also well aware of the issues behind over-relying on compile-time dependencies. For this reason, Phoenix v1.4 eliminated two common sources of re-compilations in new Phoenix apps: router helper imports and plugs. However, if you started your Phoenix application before v1.4, your code may not be up to date on the latest practices. So let’s take a look at them.
The first change done by the Phoenix team was to rewrite router imports to aliases, like this:
# web.ex
- import HexpmWeb.Router.Helpers
+ alias HexpmWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
# lib/hexpm_web/controllers/dashboard_controller.ex
- redirect(conn, to: dashboard_path(conn, :profile))
+ redirect(conn, to: Routes.dashboard_path(conn, :profile))
In Elixir v1.10 and earlier, imports were considered compile-time dependencies, so this change yielded large improvements in recompilation times. Elixir v1.11 improved its compiler so imports are now tagged as export dependencies, therefore this change is no longer strictly required. Still, moving from imports to aliases converts them from an export to a runtime dependency. Furthermore, many developers prefer aliases over imports as it makes the code clearer.
The second change was related to plugs. First just a tiny bit of background. Here’s a sample plug:
defmodule MyPlug do
def init(opts), do: opts
def call(conn, opts) do
# ...
The init/1
function, as an optimization, is called at compile-time. This way, any heavy work is
only done once, as the project is being compiled, as opposed to on every HTTP request, as is the
case with the call/2
function. The consequence of this is that any module that invokes
plug MyPlug
now has a compile time dependency on MyPlug
and a transitive compile-time
dependency on any module invoked by MyPlug
, even at runtime. Fortunately, since Phoenix v1.4
we can configure Plug’s behaviour around init, setting:
# config/dev.exs
config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
will ensure init/1
is only called at runtime and so we’ll remove yet another source of possible
re-compilations. Remember this is only appropriate for development, don’t set it in production!
In this article we talked about common source of re-compilations and how we can fix them with simple refactorings, such as changing imports to aliases and by avoiding compile-time dependencies.